Saturday, August 18, 2007

-- Bush Would Outsource 9-1-1- Calls to India

Bush Would Outsource 9-1-1 Calls to India

by Michael Jahn

Sources within the White House have revealed that the Bush Administration is pushing a plan to outsource emergency 9-1-1 calls to India.

Right now almost the entire United States is serviced by the 9-1-1 emergency network. Most 9-1-1 called are directed to one of 6,200 Public Safety Answering Points nationwide. Those are in places like New York, Chicago, Chattanooga and Baton Rouge. If the Bush plan were approved, the calls would be answered in places like Bangalore, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Thiruvananthapuram.

Depending on who you believe, from one-half to two-thirds of Fortune 500 companies outsource to India. Why, to thank them for ministering to spiritually bankrupt rock stars and providing staff for our convenience stores?

No, because in Portland a typical salary for a 9-1-1 call taker is $36,995. In
Thiruvananthapuram it is about 170,000 rupees - around $4000.

Okay, so ghee is cheaper in Thiruvananthapuram.

One White House insider, who wished to remain anonymous, defended the president's plan. "If the Indians can explain Windows 2000 they can manage to send a paddywagon to Hollywood and Vine," he said.

Or send a District of Columbia Mental Health Crisis Intervention Team to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.

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